I am getting this too, I saw this the logs a few months ago and didn't think anything of it, this time though I ran Wireshark while started tor, and it appears tor is transmitting encrypted info over port 80. I have the .pcap file to prove it.
I started / stopped the relay a few times so I could get a packet capture, unfortunately it was on a Raspberry Pi over SSH, and I couldn't run it for too long or the Pi would grind to a halt, but each time I started it the same / similar error message appeared in the log.
Dec 11 21:19:17.000 [warn] HTTP status 502 ("Bad Gateway") was unexpected while uploading descriptor to server ''. Possibly the server is misconfigured?
Dec 11 21:24:17.000 [warn] Received http status code 502 ("Bad Gateway") from server '' while fetching "/tor/server/d/DC8CB10998F444D76F0734EDB3081B7DFD2823AD.z". I'll try again soon.
Dec 11 21:41:17.000 [warn] HTTP status 502 ("Bad Gateway") was unexpected while uploading descriptor to server ''. Possibly the server is misconfigured?
OUTPUT FROM WIRESHARK (select packet > save info as text)
78250 52.230515226 HTTP 202 HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Surely tor shouldn't be transmitting unencrypted messages? I was able to use Wireshark to extract the objects from the conversation and they include (amongst other things) RSA certificates. There is a few HTTP get / put to other IP address as well.
****Is this a bug in tor, or a problem with either my or the remote relay setup?****
I know a few things about Linux, but I am not a programmer by a long shot, and I would be grateful if anyone could help clear my confusion.