Hello everyone (reply all ftw),
On 04/04/2014 07:13 PM, Karsten Loesing wrote:
Christian, Lukas, everyone,
I learned today that we should have something working in a week or two. That's why I started hacking on this today and produced some code:
Here are a few things I could use help with:
- Anybody want to help turning this script into a web app, possibly
using Flask? See the first next step in README.md.
I might be able to do that, but currently I don't have enough free time to make a commitment.
- Lukas, you announced OnionPy on tor-dev@ the other day. Want to look
into the "Add local cache for ..." bullet points under "Next steps"? Is this something OnionPy could support? Want to write the glue code?
onion-py already supports transparent caching using memcached. I use a (hopefully) unique serialisation of the query as the key (see serializer functions here: https://github.com/duk3luk3/onion-py/blob/master/onion_py/manager.py#L7) and have a bit of spaghetti code to check for available cached data and the 304 response status from onionoo (https://github.com/duk3luk3/onion-py/blob/master/onion_py/manager.py#L97).
I don't really understand what the code does. What is meant by "combining" documents? What exactly are we trying to measure? Once I know that and have thought of a sensible way to integrate it into onion-py I'm confident I can infact write that glue code :)
Cutting off the rest of the quote tree here (is that a polite thing to do on mailing lists? Sorry if not.), I just have two more comments towards Roger's thoughts:
1. Groups of relays taking the challenge together could just form relay families and we could count relay families in aggregate. (I'm already thinking about relay families a lot because gamambel wants me to overhaul the torservers exit-funding scripts to use relay families.) 2. If you want to do something with consensus weight, why not compare against all other new relays based on the first_seen property? ("new" can be adjusted until sufficiently pretty graphs emerge; and we'd need to periodically (every 4 or 12 or 24 hours?) fetch the consensus_weights from onionoo)
Cheers, Luke
PS: If you'd like me to support different backends for the caching in onion-py, I'm open to integrating anything that has a python 3 library.