And anybody can be arrested for having some Anti-regime conversation over Telegram that has spontaneously opted for Obscure,

- closed source-code,
- non-auditable,
- servers in the EAU,
- with a weak-encryption one-of-a-kind alternative to globally recognized consensus,
- long known to be fawned globally,
- submissive to the FSB in REAL-TIME.

Tor is all the opposite... how has our self-acclaimed specialist skills fallen for, SIGNAL not, yet Telegram TO COMMUNICATE NEW BRIDGES?.

Free public French victimization of the Agent from prospective beneficiary govs. is a blessing for a quick proselyte ASSANGE!! / ZUCKERBERG??  --> to ---> DUROV#$ association, when 8 million uneducated users want for their privacy: a Father.

Using Telegram is in line with those who want to offer bridges and dissidents to govs.

Please do not take that literally here, yet too honestly:
how more difficult would be for a regime to censor communication of new Bridges even if that was done to random addresses by postal mail on a hand-written paper with a pen!. 


On 8/26/24 12:45 AM, wrote:
Telegram is Russian and spying :

- creator Pavel Durov a Russian who refuses to use the world-known encryption algorythms and uses his (MTProto) implying that the Russian have the encryption keys.

source :

- The servers are in the Arab Emirates (part of the B.R.I.C.S and allies of Russia) who have gained against the cia some immunity in exchange for their Oil.

source :

- The App is officially sharing information about any device and messages with the Russian authorities, who use the Telegram conversation officially in trials against opponents.
source :

How does this align with any of Tor's values?


PGP updated every second week : please actualize our communication every time.