* Karsten Loesing schrieb am 2016-10-16 um 22:11 Uhr:
> On 16/10/16 22:05, Ralph Wetzel wrote:
> > Hi! Thanks for this info. The good thing is 'onionoorcazzotwa' now
> > provides almost current (status time is 2016-10-16 07:00:00 - which
> > is 12hrs behind onionoo.torproject.org) data again. The bad thing
> > is that there's a huge gap in the data (ranging from 29.09. until
> > 14.10.)... which makes it almost useless (or at least ugly). Any
> > chance that this gap will be filled within a reasonable timeframe
> > (e.g. with data from the primary onionoo)?
> Yes, we're on it. Give it another day or two. :/
Jens Kubieziel
Gerichtsvollzieher sind wie kleine Kinder: was sie sehen wollen sie
gleich haben.
-- Heinz Erhardt
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