I did as s7r suggested, updated to, and changed fingerprints.
And we're still crippled by CW of 20.
(Yes, yes, I know. The relay has gone back to stage 1/3 because the fingerprints changed.)
Uptime: > 48 hours Upload/download : 2.1GB, works out to a blazingly fast speed of 12.1KB/s
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- I just now did a 1GB speed test while running the relay.
(wget -O /dev/null http://speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com/downloads/test1000.zip)
Length: 1073741824 (1.0G) [application/zip] Saving to: `/dev/null'
100%[====================================>] 1,073,741,824 14.1M/s in 86s
2015-07-02 09:23:31 (11.9 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [1073741824/1073741824] ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Don't forget to smile!
Matt Speak Freely