It - plus the follow up from that many contributors - did answer my questions apart from two left:
- should only Markus be contacted instead of lets say at least all the folks with more than 2 notes to make them aware?
I contacted many of the most relevant operators with incorrect MyFamily setting in the past years. ansible-relayor [1] was also born to provide a solution for the MyFamily "problem".
The email to Markus was just triggered by the OrNetRadar email that in turn has been trigged by the fact that he added 3 relays on 2016-09-22.
MyFamily is not very relevant, but I use MyFamily data to to aggregate relays for lists like
and if torpids would also set a proper MyFamily their ranking would be better (because more relays would be aggregated into their group).
I tend to agree with what has been written "I am in favour of a scheme where the process of joining a family is authenticated." Personally I will correct my entries soon to get me off that list :-)
people interested in that topic might want to read: