On 27 Feb 2016, at 02:20, stealth@nym.mixmin.net wrote:Signed PGP partCan someone explain the message below regarding bw_accounting andthe lack of a master identity key in my notices.log file?[warn] Failed to unlink /var/lib/tor/bw_accounting: No such file ordirectory
Feb 26 10:04:02.000 [notice] It looks like I need to generate andsign a new medium-term signing key, because I don't have one. To dothat, I need to load (or create) the permanent master identity key.Feb 26 10:04:02.000 [notice] Your Tor server's identity key
fingerprint is 'stealth A290A9E71ADFC2FB1C80E64EF851A4B905450105'Tor Version (Installed today)Debian 7.0