relayor v0.3.3 is released.
relayor helps you with running relays with minimal effort (automate everything).
Changes since v0.3.2: ------------------------------
- major workaround for an upstream bug in tor that prevented us from running more than 2 instances per server. This affected only users with a non-default tor_maxPublicIPs setting. (#153) Thanks to Tim Niemeyer (@RedDog99) (f3netze.de) for bringing this to our attention. - relayor now ships a kitchen file for integration testing (#149) Thanks to Ondrej Vaško (@Lirt) for the patch.
Main benefits for a tor relay operator ======================================
* automation - no more manual setup tasks * security: offline Ed25519 master keys every tor instance is run with a distinct user * automatically makes use of IPv6 IPs (if available) * automatic tor instance generation (two by default - configurable) * enables tor's Sandbox feature by default on Debian-based systems * easily choose between alpha/non-alpha releases * easily restore a relay setup * easily choose between exit relay/non-exit relay mode * automatic deployment of a tor exit notice html page via tor's DirPort * automatic MyFamily management
Supported Operating Systems ----------------------------
Debian 8, 9 and Debian Testing OpenBSD 6.2 FreeBSD 10.4, 11.1 HardenedBSD 11 Ubuntu 16.04 CentOS 7 Fedora 27
regards, nusenu
nusenu wrote:
relayor v0.3.3 is released.
relayor helps you with running relays with minimal effort (automate everything).
Thanks so much to nusenu for the hard work on this. Using this Ansible playbook has really helped with running my relays.
My existing exit easily converted to a better-configured one, and then nusenu's playbook made it easy to deploy a new FreeBSD exit. If you have not checked out this project, you should.