drupal is way to bloated
wordpress way too insecure.
and neither of them are downloadable as they are db based.

i am assuming that anyone who is going to edit the blog will have a basic understanding of html

As the site needs to be portable as in downloadable, pdfable and made to run offline.

Is there any reason it cant be built in html?

a webmaster can update it and push out new pages.

i know this goes against scaling and there will be argument that it should be ruby or jekyll or octopus or whatever garbage is in fashion at the moment.

"Jekyll is basically a set of markdown files you edit in a text editor and then they're rendered in the browser as valid HTML by the generator (liquid, I thin"
seems to be it solves a problem that dosent exist.

but html has been around for decades and is not just downloadable to read offline but bundalable in software.
someone can whipup some code to allow it to publish as pdfs as soon as a page is updated.

i just want to throw that out there even if it gets dismissed immediately which i will understand.

On 10 January 2014 10:02, Alex Lynham <acelynham@hotmail.com> wrote:
Jekyll is basically a set of markdown files you edit in a text editor and then they're rendered in the browser as valid HTML by the generator (liquid, I think). It's pretty simple to set up and use, but you have to be comfortable with typing away in the markdown syntax. From the previous thread, seems like Middleman is a similar concept except perhaps with more internationalization options out of the box.

I write for Prog Magazine, The Fly, This is Fake DIY and build websites

Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 17:08:43 -0500
From: olssy1@gmail.com
To: www-team@lists.torproject.org
Subject: [Tor www-team] [Back-end][CMS]

Starting this thread to discuss the different solutions, what they offer and how many people have used them before.

I know Drupal better than other CMSs and it fits the requirements although static generation is not out of the box but supported by a module(like most things in Drupal). Content is usually created and modified through a web interface that offers either source code view or a WYSIWYG GUI but can be template based using text files on disk.

Can anyone explain a bit how Jekyll would work in the context of the Tor website? Do users need to create the content on disk or through a web interface?

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